Sunday, February 3, 2008

Comics of the Day

Worst: Lots of bad jokes on Saturday, but I think this was the worst. The joke is that Grimmy needs a shot in the butt. That's it, nothing clever about it.

Runners-up: Blondie (old people should not be allowed to make jokes about young people, because all they amount to is crotchetyness), Dennis the Menace, Garfield, Hagar the Horrible, On the Fastrack, Rhymes with Orange


I loved this the first time I read this, mostly for the line about finally finishing the math homework as a lower priority than making peace with every single body part. Agnes might be the most interesting character in comic strips today.

Runners-up: Big Nate, Curtis (it's about time Chutney stuck up for herself), Pearls Before Swine, Piranha Club, Sally Forth (discouraging a child from an activity while at the same time encouraging their development is a difficult skill), Zits

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